Original Characters
Hello hello! I see you are interested on my characters, at least that's what I think. I have plenty of Original Characters I've made. I'll also going to show how has it been created.

This is my persona, I like what I add to my character. Technically having the same "trauma" as what I do, but the personalities I had in mind for this sona is a bit different, and might be older than the current creator.
So, this is a character I usually draw whenever I had an art block, or literally nothing to do because I am bored. The powers I gave was from an art challenge where The Art game challenge (West: 16/5/2021, East/Asia: 17/5/2021) is to "make your oc into a bossfight" and so I did! The visual powers of the "dark green fire" or I don't know what you call the "colors as outlines and black as the base color" (since I was trying to find the actual drawing style but couldn't find it) has a pretty off-limits abilities.
The powers I gave made him turn into flames and can also fly or float. Since he's in flames, he can also shape-shift into whatever shape he wanted like: blades, blocks, etc. But mostly he likes to be in this state which is fun to play with because he likes to be small and funny.
I tried to nerf the powers down but I guess the power levels are still the same after all. Back then I was trying to make my character "not-too-powerful-that-might-cause-a-super-big-climate-change" or maybe "not-too-powerful-that-might-almost-destroyed-tens-of-universes", so then I'd just gave him a moderate power level.

This is another character (Thai: สุภาแก้ว) I've created way back when I was into art. This character is created as a fictional Wife for Siwak, and has a family of 5.
It was originally based off from the hit game "Friday Night Funkin'" where the boy is a human and the girl is a demon. Then it was now modified to be unrelated to FNF, but rather their own separate stories since the game started to slowly die (which has been revived in the late 2024).
The draft lore I am thinking of is quite interesting because the one I'm thnking is that she was in some sort of "mafia" but not quite, it was more cooler than that. So I like to keep that lore in mind, hoping I won't forget or die first before it was even publicly released as an Animation Series (which I yet have not planned this through).
I've been reconstructing the lore to be far apart of FNF more thann ever, and the lore of it is far more better than the old years we or I've had. The story was from hatred, then understanding each others, and then the rest is wholesome and lighthearted.
By given powers, I wasn't sure how am I going to design a 'minimal-demon' and a 'true form' of her since I'm not really good at designing a demon or demons because uh I don't really have any creativity to design one. I did look at some of the refrences but I needed a pencil and a paper to visualize the wings and also maybe a little practice? On the "Demon" tab, the ridiculous amount of layers is causing the app to lag on the phone's life. I had to duplicate the art and merge the layers one by one together to reduce the lag and be able to finish the artwork.